Being on time is being late!
If I had only been sixty seconds earlier I would have been hired! or let’s be more direct and say I would have been accepted to be in the position I’ve ever dreamt about! This was like taking forever, like a full five minutes or more. May be I was too late more than I expected! but as far as I’m concerned I wasn’t the best condidate who has the best prerequisites to fully fit the position. What was I expecting! anyway?
I was necessarily in a hurry, in a way I was completely struggling with time and circumstances, feeling like in less than one minute I’ll be there and I will be having the greatest interview ever because I know the challenges I’ve faced to be right there; a 23 year-old girl living alone abroad seeking for better oportunites and starving for knowledge no matter how. I thought that the one whom I will be having the interview with will be undrestanding and respecting my efforts and challenges encountred mentionned in my curruculm vitea so they could act blind about being late. But infortunetly, I was completly wrong and in somehow having wrong ideas and great expectations about interviews in general! yes!
What I do remember about that terrible moment is when I pulled up to the door of the company and while grapping my CV with my two hands, fully, completely and truly excited that I came on time, I heard a sudden small little voice inside of me saying “ you lost it young girl!”. And it was real! it was the recepionist voice instead; his voice wafted directly saying “Oh, if you’re here for the interview! you are late! the lady in front of you got accpeted; you missed the chance ” the man said, refusing my carriculum vitae.
I kept silent staring only at the clock convincing myself that I’m late; Why and how come they reject me without even looking at me or either my CV! but my inner was saying the opposite! I came on time; the interview was supposed to be at ten a.m and I’m here before few seconds! So I’m not? Or am I?
The place started to be crowded and full of people having their small break after finishing their morning shift may be, so I gathered myself up and I turned stepping back and still convincing myself that what happened was only a bad luck!
After a while of time, I did recognize that No matter what you do! No matter what you struggle in order to reach that specific place! or No matter what means of transportation you take! how many stations you stop at or may be you have budget or not! What you need only and only to do is to be before time so you could have the chance to be interviewed at least. And show how skilled person you’re because if you will be on time may be onther candidate will be reaching the place before you and getting the job not because she/he is a skilled person but professional.
To be continued..